Deal of the Day – San Antonio Metro
1219 North Olive Street, San Antonio, Texas 78202
November 9, 2020
MLS Number 1475835
Hello everyone! Welcome to Real Estate IQ’s San Antonio Metro’s Deal of the Day. Our subject property is at 1219 North Olive Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78202. The property has a list price of $199,900 and an estimated price of $348,020. It also has a list price per square foot of $109.29 and an estimated price per square foot of $190.28.
The property has three beds and 1 bath. This property is located near San Antonio I.S.D School. The MLS number of the property is 1475835.
We selected the best three comparables for our Deal of the Day. The first property is at 424 Mason Street. It is 0.41 miles away from the property, it has a list price of $559,900 and a sold price of $480,000. The second property is at 1712 Pine Street which is 0.44 miles away from the subject property. It has a list price of $349,500 and a sold price of $315,000. The last is at 1622 Macberry which is only 0.37 miles away from the subject property. It has a list price of $289,000 and it was sold for $250,000.
For the investment summary, the estimated price of the subject property is $348,021 with a monthly lease price of $2,013. From an asking price of $199,900, you will get an IQ discount of $148,120 and an IQ discount percentage of 42.56%. The property has also a rental index of 1.01.
That’s all for our Deal of the Day. Thank you for tuning in and have a great deal-finding day!
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