Deal of the Day Houston
December 7, 2020
9809 Richmond Avenue A13 Houston Texas 77042
MLS Number 41005283.
Hello everyone! Welcome to Real Estate IQ’s Houston Deal of the Day! Our subject property is at 9809 Richmond Avenue, A13 Houston, Texas, 77042. The property has an estimated price of estimated price: $145,652 and an estimated price per square foot of $97.49. It has a list price of $95,000 and a list price per square foot of $63.59.
The property is a two-storey townhouse with two beds, two baths and one fireplace built in 1977, with a total square footage of 1,494 If you are interested with this property, the MLS number is 41005283.
For the comparables, we selected the three best comparables of the property. The first is at 32002 Gesner Road 222. The price per square foot is $110.39. It is 0.34 miles away from our subject property and was sold 115 days ago.The second property is at 9580 Pagewood Lane 301. The price per square foot is $101. 97 and it is 0.14 miles away from our subject property. It was sold 71 days ago. The third comps is at 9800 Pagewood Lane, 2405. It has a price per square foot of $101.32. It is 0.2 miles away from our subject property and was sold 61 days ago.
For the investment summary, the estimated price of the property is $156,212. For an asking price of $95,000, you will get an IQ discount of $61,212 and an IQ discount percentage of $39.19%. The monthly income is at $1,320 and it has a good rental index of 1.39.
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