Deal of the Day Houston
December 1, 2020
661 Bering Drive 704 Houston Texas 77057
MLS No. 34927068.
Hello everyone, welcome to the Real Estate IQ’s Houston Deal of the Day. Our subject property today is at 661 Bering Drive, 704 Houston, Texas 77057. It has a list price of $134,900, an estimated price of $217,540 and a list price per square foot of $165.93.
The property has two beds, two baths, two garages and one pool. It is near the Woodway Place Atrium Condominium and was built in 1980. The MLS number of the property is 34927068.
For the comparables, the system can pre-select the best comparables for the subject property based on the property type, price per square foot, distance, recency days, and other relevant information. The subject property is highlighted in yellow, and the ones highlighted in blue are the properties that are pre-selected by the system as the best comps.
For the investment summary, the estimated price for the property is $217,540. It has a monthly lease of $1,716. For an asking price of $134,900, you will get an IQ discount of $82,640 with an IQ discount percentage of 37.99% and 1.27 rental index.
That’s all for our Deal of the Day. Thank you for tuning in and have a great deal-finding day!
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