4337 Phlox Street, Houston, Texas 77051
October 7, 2020
MLS number 97196601
Hi everyone! Welcome to Real Estate IQ’s Houston Deal of the Day! Our subject property for today is at 4337 Phlox Street, Houston, Texas, 77051. The MLS Number of the property is 97196601. This property is listed at $93,000 with an estimated price of $125,331. The list price per square foot is $73.81 with an estimated price per square foot of $99.47.
The property is a single-storey residential property with three bedrooms and one bath. It was built in 1947 with a square footage of 1,260. As for the public remark, “This is a great investment or fixer-upper opportunity just outside the loop with convenient access 288 at the Medical Center and downtown.”
For the comparables, we selected the best three comps of the property. The first comparable is at 9117 Brandom street with a price per square foot of $89.46. This property is located 0.36 miles away from our subject property and was sold 62 days ago. The property has a list price of $125,000 and it was sold at $112,000.
The second property is at 4510 Galesburg Street. The price per square foot is $113.89, and the property is located 0.48 miles away from the subject property. It was sold 67 days ago. The property has a list price of $179,000 and was sold at $173,000.
The third comparable property is at 9114 Brandon Street. The property has a price per square foot of $95.06 and it is 0.41 miles away from the subject property. The property was sold 54 days ago. It has a list price of $80,000 and it was sold at $92,400.
For the investment summary, the property has an estimated price of $125,332 based on the three sold comps. If you will offer $90,000 through this property, you will have 28% as an IQ discount; equivalent to $35,332. If this property is going to be leased, the suggested rate is $1,197 and that is equivalent to 1.33 rental index.
That’s all for our Deal of the Day. Thank you for tuning in and have a great deal-finding day!
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