DOD- San Antonio Metro
691 PR 1508 bandera Texas 78003
October 3, 2020
MLS number 1447669
Hello everyone, welcome to the Real Estate IQ’s San Antonio Metro Deal of the Day. Our subject property is at 691 PR 1508 Bandera, Texas 78003. The property is listed at $98,000.The estimated price is at $117,600. The price per square foot of the property is at $75 and the list per square foot is at $ 62.50. The property has 3 beds and 2 baths and it was built in 2007 with an area of 1568 square feet.
For nearby subdivisions and schools, the property is located near Holiday Villages of Medina,
Meyer Elementary, MC Dowell Middle School, and Hindi High School. The MLS number is 1447669 and it has 176 days on the market and the last CMA is just on October 2,2020.
The best comparable is at 664 PR 1501. It is a single residential property built in 2014 with a price per square foot of $75.00. It is 0.47 miles away from the subject property and has 323 recency days. It is near Holiday Villages of Medina. It has a list price of $110,00and it was sold at $102,000. It also has 3 beds and 2 baths.
For the investment summary, the property is listed at $98,000 with an estimated price of $117,600.It has a gross discount of $19,600 and an IQ percentage of 16.67%. The list price per square foot is at $ 62.50.
That’s all for our Deal of the Day. Thank you for tuning in and have a great deal-finding day!
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