Learning is a continuous requirement in real estate investing. Your knowledge and experience are best complimented by colleagues who can further help you grow. In real estate investing, having a community of people is an important asset to expand your skills and be more knowledgeable about investing strategies.
The process of learning is best done by having an apprenticeship plan. Apprenticeship is a widely-used term you may hear in a university set-up and even in the commercial world. In business, apprenticeship is training a new group of people or new investors through various learning platforms.
The book club panelists Brent Mott, Michael Gefteas, Jon Yu, and Joseph Dela Cruz, all accomplished real estate investors, share their views regarding the book “Mastery” by Robert Greene. About this book, here are the synthesis elicited from the guide discussions on the three essential steps in a successful apprenticeship:
1- Have a profound observation

When you enter a new work environment, you will encounter different sets of rules, values, and standards. As with the workplace, a business endeavor requires a measure of work ethics and skill set. Observing in your working environment will help you absorb these rules and adjust according to the profession’s expectations and guidelines.
An in-depth observation is also essential in improving yourself. When you observe yourself, your colleagues, and the working environment itself, you can assess matters you need to develop further and improve. This will give you time to reflect on your previous actions and conduct about your work.
2- Skills acquisition

Acquiring skills take form in a particular learning process. You can develop this by knowing the skill set you want to achieve, reading and researching about it, and practicing it until you master the desired skill. In real estate investing, investors’ skills are the other real estate investing strategies. Acquiring skills can also be done by having a business mentor who can teach and advise you on your learning matters. For this reason, maintaining camaraderie with a professional circle or a community is vital as you can learn from your colleagues’ experiences and stories. At Real Estate IQ, you may join us and make learning a continuous journey by watching and joining our webinars at REIQ Events.
3- Application

After observation and skills acquisition, the final step in apprenticeship is application. You must apply all the theories and lessons that you have learned into reality. You must take action, experiment, practice your skills, and not be afraid to make mistakes. As you practice what you have learned, you can better test your character, work ethics, and perseverance in facing the challenges you may encounter.
When you become an expert on the skill, you desire to acquire. You can now explore new strategies and techniques in real estate investing. By doing the process of profound observation, skills acquisition, and application, you master what Robert Greene coined as the “art of apprenticeship”- the process of learning how to learn.
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Credits: Robert Greene is the author of various New York Times bestselling books such as “Mastery,” “The 48 Laws of Power”, “The Art of Seduction”, “The 33 Strategies of War” and “The 50th Law”.
Panelist: Providing us with the reading insights are experienced investors Brent Mott, Michael Gefteas, Jon Yu, and Joseph Dela Cruz.
Disclaimer: The blog articles are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing in the content is intended as legal or financial advice.